1887 Delegations



    Grover Cleveland (March 4, 1885 – March 4, 1889)

Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1887

    John D. C. Atkins (March 21, 1885 – June 13, 1888)                       


Dec. 30, 1887Evening Star: [Dakota]

            Sitting Bull Not Coming.

            The Great Sioux War Chief will not Honor Washington this Winter.

            Pierre, Dak. Dec. 30.—The report that Sitting Bull would go to Washington to labor against the passage of the Dawes bill opening the Sioux Reservation is false.  Running elk, the trusty aid of Sitting Bull, who was in the city yesterday says that Sitting Bull and most of his people favor a reduction of the reservation.  While some chiefs may visit the capital this winter, it will not be to oppose the bill, but to look after other matters.  Running elk and his people desire lands in severalty.  He says they must raise stock and grain and learn the ways of the whites.