Paula Fleming's Photographic History
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Native American Delegation Newspaper Transcriptions
1850-1859 Native American
Delegation Newspaper Transcriptions
1851 Delegations
1852 Delegations
1853 Delegations
1854 Delegations
1855 Delegations
1856 Delegations
1857 Delegations
1858 Delegations
1859 Delegations
1860-1869 Native American
Delegation Newspaper Transcriptions
1860 Delegations
1861 Delegations
1862 Delegations
1863 Delegations
1864 Delegations
1865 Delegations
1866 Delegations
1867 Delegations
1868 Delegations
1869 Delegations
1870-1879 Native American
Delegation Newspaper Transcriptions
1870 Delegations
1872 Delegations
1873 Delegations
1874 Delegations
1875 Delegations
1876 Delegations
1877 Delegations
1878 Delegations
1879 Delegations
1880-1889 Native American
Delegation Newspaper Transcriptions
1880 Delegations
1881 Delegations
1882 Delegations
1883 Delegations
1884 Delegations
1885 Delegations
1886 Delegations
1887 Delegations
1888 Delegations
1889 Delegations
1890-1899 Native American
Delegation Newspaper Transcriptions
1890 Delegations
1891 Delegations
1892 Delegations
1893 Delegations
1894 Delegations
1895 Delegations
1896 Delegations
1897 Delegations
1898 Delegations
1899 Delegations
British Photography Annotated Bibliographies
1839-1849 Bibliography of Photographic
1839 Journals
1840 Journals
1841 Journals
1842 Journals
1843 Journals
1844 Journals
1845 Journals
1846 Journals
1848 Journals
1849 Journals
Bibliography of Photographic
1850 Journals 1851 Journals
1852 Journals
1853 Journals
1854 Journals
1855 Journals
1856 Journals
1857 Journals
1858 Journals
1859 Journals
Bibliography of Photographic
1860 Journals
1861 Journals
1862 Journals
1863 Journals
1864 Journals
1865 Journals
1866 Journals
1867 Journals
1868 Journals
1869 Journals
1870-1875 Bibliography of Photographic
1870 Journals
1871 Journals
1872 Journals
1873 Journals
1874 Journals
1875 Journals
Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1852 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1852 Times
1853 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1853 The Athenaeum
1853 Journal Of The Photographic Society
1853 Photographic Art-Journal vol. VI
1854 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1854 The Athenaeum
1854 Liverpool Photographic Journal vol. I
1855 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1855 The Art-Journal, vol.
1855 Liverpool Photographic Journal vol. II
1855 The Athenaeum
1855 Journal of The Photographic
1856 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1856 The Athenaeum
1856 Liverpool
Photographic Journal Vol. III
1856 The Art-Journal, n.s. vol. II
1856 The
Photographic And Fine Art Journal, Vol. Ix
1857 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1857 The Athenaeum
1857 Liverpool Photographic Journal
1857 The Art-Journal, n.s. vol. II; old
series vol. XX 1857
P Notes
1858 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1858 The Athenaeum 1858 Journal Of The Photographic Society
1858 Art Journal
1858 Liverpool &
Manchester Photographic Journal
Photographic News
1859 Transcriptions of British
Photographic Journals
1859 Photographic
1859 Journal of The
Photographic Society
The Photographic News
1860 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1860 Art Journal
1860 American
Journal of Photography And The Allied Arts
1860 The
1860 British Journal of
Photography Vol. Vii
1860 Photographic
News Vol. Iv
1861 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1861 Art Journal, n.s.
vol. VII
1861 American
Journal of Photography & The Allied Arts and Sciences
1861 The Photographic
1861 British Journal of
Photography, Vol. Viii
1862 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1862 Art Journal
1862 Journal of The
Photographic Society
1862 The
1882 British Journal of
1862 The Photographic
1863 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1863 Art Journal
1863 Journal Of The
Photographic Society
1863 British Journal of
1864 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
Art Journal
1864 British
Journal of Photography
1865 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1865 American
Journal of Photography & The Allied Arts And Sciences
1865 The Art Journal
1865 British Journal of
1865 Journal Of The
Photographic Society (London)
1866 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1866 The Art Journal
1866 Journal of
The Photographic Society (London)
1866 Philadelphia
1866 The British
Journal of Photography
1867 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
Currently no transcriptions.
1868 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1868 Art Journal
1868 The British
Journal Of Photography
1868 Journal
of The Photographic Society (London)
1869 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1869 The British
Journal Of Photography
1869 The Photographic
1869 The Philadelphia
1870 Transcriptions of British Photographic Journals
1870 The Photographic
1870 Journal of The
Photographic Society Of London